02 lipca 2005


More Jukebox Stuff

Just got back from Plush, where Al Perry headlined a show with Hank Topless and Dave Inslee and the Careless Smokers supporting. Al was awesome as always.

Former Gila Bend frontman Loren Dirks was in this line up of the Cattle. I've been watching Loren for a long time. He's got this weird way when he solos. He looks as though he is a mad contortionist attempting to wrestle down his guitar. It's worth the price of admission. Half of it, anyway.

So, I must update you all on a post from a couple of days ago regarding the jukebox situation here in the Naked Pueblo.

I stopped into the Surly Wench, and I'm happy to report that the Cult album in there, Sonic Temple, I think, has been taken out and replaced with Opperator's Manual: Buzzcocks Best. Someone picked "Orgasm Addict." I think that will be happening often.

If I have my way, people will be hearing Todd Lawson's fave, "Nostalgia", over and over again. My personal revenge for having to hear "Last Caress" and "Where Is My Mind" every time I go in there.

When you were in high school and liked "Last Caress" because it made your more uptight relatives squeamish, that was okay. But now that you are in your thirties with kids, it's a bit scary that you still like it. Just something to think about, that's all.

Speaking of the Buzzcocks, I always thought that Steve Diggle looked a lot like former New England Revolution striker Dario Fabbro. On the Rev fan listserv, Evan "The Magpie" Whitney agreed with me on that one. No one else did, mostly because Evan and I were the only ones old enough to know who Steve Diggle is.

It's late, so I probably should stop typing and go to sleep.

Buenos noches. Dobre noc.

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