16 września 2008


Um, Yeah

I was riding the bus from work last week. The bus stop is about half a block south of a place called Scooby's, which I think does either auto body work or installs stereos. Heck, I can't tell.

Anyway, guy pulls up to the stop on his bike. He was wearing one of those big hats that post-hippie types wear to keep the sun out of their faces. He see's a guy up the sidewalk, wearing a Scooby's t-shirt, presumably going to work.

"Hey, Scooby, stop ripping people off. Stop ripping people off, Scooby! South-SIDE. South-SIDE. I stay away from the meth and the crack; I just like a little weed. South-SIDE. South-SIDE."

Yeah, I don't get it either.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

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