28 czerwca 2007


Couple of Things

Went by the corner where Jesse Lugo's gas station used to be at 6th Ave and Speedway. The station closed years ago during the settlement of some environmental remediation situation, torn down, and completely surrounded by a fence. So, the property has been pretty much inaccessible to anyone. So, how the heck did that grocery cart end up behind the fence? Just curious...it illicits a certain wonder...

My brother reports that a person was blasting his stereo while driving down his street. Not uncommon. What song was it, the latest from 50 Cent? Maybe the driver was a stoner playing a favorite by Korn?

Naw. It was "A House is Not a Motel" by Love. Tom lives on Convent, after all.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

I am sure there is some meaning to Tom living on a street named Convent with the conjuction of love but it is beyond ken.
No...it's the neighborhood...arty types.
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