08 maja 2007


Yet Another Real Estate Guy Out to Kill What Makes Tucson Cool

The strip center located at Campbell at Water has lost another tennant: the Book Stop, which has been at that location for nearly 40 years. The Book Stop was a cool old fashioned used book store: you'd never go there looking for anything in particular. The staff was cool with you browsing. In high school, I'd get so lost there. The owners were cool too. If they didn't have what you wanted, they could find it in a few days.

This is the third buisiness to be driven from the center by property manager Richard Shenkarow. Luckily, the Santa Barbara Ice Creamery has moved to another location, and the Book Stop plans a move to 4th Avenue, but Hear's Music shut down entirely. The loss of Hear's Music was particularly galling, since owner Britton Dornquast's advocacy on the part of the buisinesses on North Campbell is what probably made it possible for Shenkarow to entertain the possibility of bringing in higher paying tenants.

The Weekly has been good about covering this stupidity, although I'd never do what Jim Nintzel did and call Shenkarow a "tool." I would only note that "Dick" is short for Richard.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

Life was ever thus - organise the masses - popular support wins out in the end.
Now where will I buy my Fela CDs?
Who can I chat with about the supernal Nusrat Ali Farka?
That completely sucks Ted...I was bummed when the little bookstore that used to be in the shopping plaza on Mill and University was closed from the loss of income of the construction and of course the conversion of that plaza to something ASU related (which kind of makes up for it.) Finding decent used books stores in Tempe seems to be getting harder and harder-Changing Hands is okay for new authors but not used books. :( If I am going to be spending half my salary on books, I want to at least be able to buy used.

But my question is what was the rest of the statement of "I use to get so lost there...?" That you would meet another version of you walking down the aisles? Because that would be so cool.
Yeah, he totally killed that shopping center. The shops there are part of what made that area neat. I, for one, will never shop in that shopping center again.

Elizabeth, I think there is a Bookman's Used Books in Mesa. I think I remember being able to bike there from Tempe when I used to live there.
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