19 maja 2007


I'm a Nice Guy, Really

Prairie Rose Clayton and I often send instant messages back and forth when we are watching games. We agreed on something the other day: Calen Carr needs his ass kicked.

Normally, I try not to be a violent person, but there is something about certain people. You know what I am talking about: those certain people whose look says "look at me, but please don't think you are good enough to talk to me." These folks don't need to be good looking, far from it. They just need to have that look that crosses that line between self-confidence and grating arrogance. Crosses that line like the blitzkreig...deep into the other territory and never looking back.

Often times, such looks are associated with accessories; the oversized sweatband and "look at me, I'm wild, dammit" hair of Carr, for example. You can also put in this category any man that wears mirrored sunglasses indoors.

Yes, this is a syndrome that only effects men.

Like I said, normally, I'm not violent. Hey, I don't want these guys even to get their bones broken. I just want a few days of soreness to wipe that smug half-smile off of their faces. I think that if they were forced to spend time with these people, even Dorothy Day and Mahatma Ghandi would be trying to organize a pillowcase party.

Now, an asskicking doesn't always do any good. Jim Rome got his ass kicked by Jim Everett, on national TV even. This seemed to have no long term effect what so ever.

One nominee of mine is Chad Kroeger of Nickleback. I am lost on why these guys are popular, but then again, if the Pussycat Dolls are regarded as a serious force in pop music, why the hell not? I'm tired of how each and every song is sung by this guy as if it is the most meaningful and painful event in his life, as if all that power would make us forget about the derivative and sappy "napkin lyrics" he's singing. Yes, Bono gets away with this...but he's Bono...and Chad, you're Canadian. I talked about accessories: Kroeger always seems to wear t-shirts that are a size too small so we can tell how many reps he did at the gym.

(Weak crap like this being sold as Rock'n'Roll, is it any wonder that kids today would rather listen to 50 Cent?)

Speaking of Chad, what about Chad the Alltel Dude? Okay, silly to go after a commercial spokesman. I'm lost on the concept though: we are supposed to be rooting for the annoying pretty boy over the dweebs? As much as the other phone company reps are socially retrograde, this guy Chad just seems like a tool that I wouldn't want to buy a phone from. In fact, I'd like to kick his ass.

But back to people who actually deserve it: Carson Daly. Ryan Secrest for the same reason. What economic purpose do these people serve? Sort of makes you yearn for those Eastern European commissars that would declare certain people and occupations "parasitic" and would send them to work fams. Naw, I'd just settle for an asskicking.

And Mark Cuban: yes, he brought himself up by his own bootstraps, and yes, he's given a lot of money for veterans. But, every interview I've seen with him just reeks of self-obsessed jackass. Oh, we are supposed to think that because he pisses off David Stern once in a while that he is a folk hero. Somehow, when rich black guys cross David Stern, the overgrown frat boys that love Cuban don't seem to get as excited. How is that? Yeah, you paid your fines in pennies. Funny. You are a billionaire that is pushing 50...time to drop the populist young rebel pose. Accessory: he never wears a tie...so radical!

Any of you that have nominees, please feel free to post them. To my political friends: don't suggest Karl Rove. Looking at him in his younger days, he got his ass kicked often. That may be part of the problem.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

I have a friend who takes medication that prevents him from being um...intimate with a woman...and he has made it his life's mission to go out with really hot but very not nice women and just completely fail at being...romantic...with them.

It knocks them down a peg or two. Too bad one cannot do that with these males.
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