07 marca 2007


And Is...This...Your Birthday?

I missed the birthday of Mark E. Smith, world's greatest Mancunian and certified Godlike Genius. How did I miss that? Am I still bitter that he tossed a mike stand at me?

You can check out some videos at this site, and this site. The infamous video (and friggin' brilliant) of Smith reading daily football results has been scrubbed from YouTube, but is still available here.

So, I get to post my own videos. This is actually not a Fall video, but instead a video by the band Inspiral Carpets. Any of you remember them? I bet Natalie Luna does. Anyway, they were the "Next Big Band From Manchester" back in the early 1990's. In those years, there was a new "Next Big Band From Manchester" every six or seven months. Anyhow, the quality here is not the best. Smith acts as guest vocalist and Manchester musical godfather here.

Going back a ways to the early days, this is the band performing the song "Totally Wired" in New York. This song is a favorite of, of all people, Rod Stewart, who used to play it over the PA as a warm-up at concerts.

Newer video, for the song "Fifteen Ways" from the album Middle Class Revolt.

This is a concert video from just last year. The song is "Blindness," which you may recognize as part of an ad for Mitsubishi that is currently running. The mighty Fall sell out!

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

But is Garrity a certified Godlike Genius?

You are so mean to me. Luckily for you, I've been listening to Elvis Costello and he advocates Peace, Love and Understanding. So I won't try to go congressional on yo ass!

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