12 grudnia 2006


Adu to Real Salt Lake

The big news among MLS fans today is the trade of Nick Rimando and Freddy Adu for Real Salt Lake's Jay Nolly.

MLS über-fan Dan Loney has his comments here. Most of us fans were suprised by the move, since the Peter Novak - Freddy Adu conflict seemed to have been resolved.

I was a bit worried that without the diving and whining Adu wearing the black and red, I wasn't sure I would still be able to gin up hatred for DC United. TPMP Boston corresponent Prairie Rose Clayton reassured me by giving me three reasons to keep up my dislike:
Good enough for me.

I don't know though...Real Salt Lake...doesn't a team have to win once in a while before I can really dislike them?

Adu may be leaving at the right time. Word I hear is that he ran out of bars to show his fake ID to. Silly, really. I mean, the guy is famous for being the teenage soccer player right? You think someone might know he's underage?

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

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