20 kwietnia 2006


It's Where the Desert Meets Rock and/or Roll!

High and Dry, which premiered at the Club Congress 20th Anniversary, will be making another appearence in Tucson, next week at the Arizona International Film Festival. It will be shown on the 28th at 7:00 at the Screening Room.

There will be an "after party" at Hotel Congress...so you can see some of the folks in the movie older and drunk. Oh joy!

So, that leads to another question: will that darned Game of Their Lives rear it's head anywhere again? It opened in eight or nine cities for special showings, and has never shown up again. They even did ads for it after they opened it during MLS games, but they showed it nowhere, and never issued it on DVD. Heck, there are fans like me who would buy the DVD. I wrote to the distributor and all I got was a form letter.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

Game of Their Lives was the in-flight movie when Mike and I came back from Austin the weekend the US booked its WC slot.
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