20 grudnia 2005


Scenester War


First, last week the Tucson Weekly gives one of it's annual "Get out of Town" awards to "Local Scenesters." There are plenty of things wrong with some of our local scenesters, but the article criticizes them for the one sort of behavior that I haven't witnessed. By the way, who do they think reads their paper?

Hands up everyone that thinks it's a bit weird for a writer with the Weekly to criticize anyone for being smug.

A while back I posted something about Luke Knipe, a local scenester wannabe. Um, how pathetic is it to be a scenester wannabe here in Tucson? Anyhow, Luke posted several entries on the Tucson Scene blog that poked fun at local scenesters under the name Grey Baloon (yes, he misspelled his own alias). Eventually, he had to stop posting after his employer, Hotel Congress, found out what he was doing, since some of his rants hit a bit too close to home. Also, it didn't help much that he had engaged in some bizarre behavior, including some alleged incidents of staking and harassment involving some local musicians.

He left town, came back, and started his own blog, tastelessly called (given his previous behavior) Stalking Neko. I was reluctant to post the name for a while. Oddly, an early version of Stalking Neko included a quote from me. Shortly after the new blog went up, Knipe moved back to Portland just to show the rest of us that he was cooler. He still continues to use his blog to bitch about the Tucson scene, which is odd considering that he thinks we are all petty and unimportant.

Anyhow, in response to Knipe's blog, there is now a site called Blanket Party for Luke. I know that a couple of us have jokingly used the phrase "blanket party" around some folks not happy with Knipe, but I seriously have no idea who put it up. No, it's not me. My site would have looked much better. Besides, I never actually met Knipe.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

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