20 października 2005


Because I Need to Complain Somewhere

Yesterday, I recieved a big envelope from the Pima Community College District Central Office. I knew this had to do with my financial aid, so I eagerly opened it. In it was a letter detailing my "award," plus, a note that said I needed to fill out the enclosed forms. There was a lot of paperwork in there so, at first I was a bit intimidated.

The "forms" included two sheets to tell me all about the Stafford Loan, if I qualified (I don't), a shcedule for Pell Grant disbursements (didn't qualify for that), and a "Guide to Financial Aid." Burried in the guide was the form (singular) that I had to fill out.

I looked at the form and realized that I filled it out two weeks ago.

These guys are first against the wall when I lead my revolution.

Do zobaczenia. Hasta la proxima.

Oooh! A revolution! Can I join? Will I get to wear a really cool hat?
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