06 lipca 2005


TPMP Music Quiz

Okay...quiz for all of you...

What do these musicians have in common?
Bonus for any of you that can name someone else that could make the list.

Maritza López says that my blog sucks. Once again, I would ask all of you to go to hers so you can compare, but she refuses to give up the URL. As I said before, you are entitled to use the fact that none of us can see her blog as evidence of the superiority of mine.

She says I talk too much about Roller Derby. Just for that, I'm going to ask Jezebelle to kick her ass.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

Allrighty.. E and I have some guesses:

1. They're all White
2. They're all Activists (though one could hardly call Madonna that)
3. They are all sharing your room, in poster format.

BONUS ANSWER: You also have a poster of William Hung (little known fact!)
Um no...my posters, as far as bands go are:

- Buzzcocks
- Calexico
- The Fall
- Hank Williams
- Stan Ridgway
- Sleater Kinney (signed with love from Corrin!)
- Eggplant
- King Crimson
- Sidewinders
I guess it's okay for me to give this a try.

They all got their start as drummers but later became known as vocalists.

I guess the next entry could be Phil Collins, but Dave, Julia and Neko might resent his being placed in their company.
Hmm...I was thinking that my list was that they were drummers for one band, and became vocalists for a different act...so that would exclude Phil Collins, however, I think that Neko Case sang for Maow on some songs...so Phil could make the list.
Hey, who in the hell is Maritza Lopez? Your blog rocks in a bizzare kind of way.
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