29 stycznia 2008


Bloggers With Too Much Time On Their Hands

Nonetheless, somewhat interesting. Check here.

It does show one of the advantages that LPs have over CDs. And you can't do that with no MP3 player either.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

21 stycznia 2008


Arachnophobia...Tedski Style

I am trying not to be one of those lameasses that writes about their dreams, but this was too weird.

I had a dream last night that brown recluse spiders went nuts and descended on Tucson. They'd build webs that went for blocks. These webs were so large that the spiders would hang out in packs of six or seven, waiting for people who would dare try to walk through their webs.

To top it off, I was trapped by these webs on a schoolyard, where there was a free concert by Bob Seeger (who seemed to be without the Silver Bullet Band). When Seeger would take a break, Paul Eckerstrom would take the stage and rant.

Eventually, people with pick-up trucks would run through the webs. I woke up about then, so I don't know if it worked.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

18 stycznia 2008


Shah Mat

Bobby Fischer has died. Given that in the end, the guy turned into a paranoid, anti-semetic screw-loose freak, it is hard to admit that this guy was a hero of mine when I was young. When I was in elementary and jr. high, I thought that I'd be a chess guru. Somewhere, I still have a copy of Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess that I picked up when I was thirteen.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

16 stycznia 2008


Evening Schadenfreude

On the corner where I live, there is a too often ignored stop sign. Since I've been here, there have been two accidents caused when folks, often speeding, have run the sign.

Last night, a guy ran the stop sign at a high clip, hit a rock or something and had a blowout.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

15 stycznia 2008


Ah, Saturday Morning

If you remember this, you are as old as I am:

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

09 stycznia 2008


What Year Is It Again?

So, I ran across this story yesterday:

Bedouin Attack Sinai Border Post


This stuff is still going on? Why when I read this do I anticipate that the next story will be about General Kitchner meeting with the Khedive to come up with a plan of action?

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

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