14 sierpnia 2008



I just got a new video camera, and I downloaded some software with it. Here are some shots I took of Trent Oeltjen, a member of the Tucson Sidewinders that I kind of know. I tried to do this in two different styles.

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

11 sierpnia 2008


In Memoriam

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

10 sierpnia 2008


Some Pictures

Here are a couple of pictures I've taken over the last few weeks that I've been meaning to post:

My friend Caitlin Jensen watching the fireworks after the Revolution - Los Angeles Galaxy game. The only time she'll ever get caught dead in a Revolution jersey, or any soccer jersey.

Anyone remember A. J. Bayless? They are doing some renovation on a shopping center at Pima and Alvernon and -gasp- history is revealed.

At the Circle K, this car parked next to me. It is the official vehicle of the F*ckin Kennies. Every band needs an official vehicle, right?

Hasta la proxima. Do zobaczenia.

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